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In short here what I offer to help you get in BALANCE in every way possible

scroll down for more detailed info please.

* also in Zandvoort 3 day / 2 nights private METIMERETREATS  every day 1:1 sessions

DM  INSTAGRAM @inbalancebyme 


Welcome to Brain Balance Coaching, where we focus on the 7 pillars to help you regain balance in your life. Your brain is like a computer, capable of being rewired through neuroplasticity, allowing you to reset old patterns. We emphasize lifestyle changes in sleep, nutrition, exercise, and even social or work aspects to foster meaningful transformation. As a certified Brain Balance Therapist, I'm dedicated to guiding you towards living your best life.




Transformational cupping is a holistic therapy that utilizes specially designed cups to create suction the skin, promoting increased blood flow and lymph drainage. This technique to release tension, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall well-being.

By targeting specific areas of the body, cupping can also aid in emotional release, Trauma release and balance, making a powerful addition to your self-care routine.

Experience the benefits of this innovative therapy and unlock a new level of relaxation and rejuvenation.


Energy Healing Sessions with Card reading.

With 25 years of experience that began back then first with Reiki, I have gained insights from many masters and teachers to create a unique healing method.

My mission is to support you in restoring balance to your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being through personalized healing sessions. Together, let's embark on this transformative journey!


Green Circle


Experience the soothing power of sound with a private and duo sound bath sessions featuring also singing bowls. Immerse yourself in a tranquil environment where the healing vibrations promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

Whether you choose to attend alone or with a friend, my sessions are designed to help you unwind and connect with your inner self. Join me for a transformative journey of sound and serenity.

Purple Gradient Circle


Discover a revitalizing group sound bath session, where participants can immerse themselves in the healing vibrations of sound, including soothing chimes. This unique experience features calming sounds from various instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, and chimes, promoting relaxation, mindfulness, and stress relief. As individuals recline and let the sounds wash over them, they will experience a profound sense of peace and connection with themselves. Ideal for those looking to unwind and rejuvenate, these sound bath sessions offer numerous benefits, including improved mood, enhanced focus, and a deeper sense of well-being.

Pink Gradient Circle

Talking To the Chakra's

Talking to the Chakras (TTC®) is a channeled, loving cosmic energy that activates the body's self-healing abilities through physical and energetic touch. TTC healing alleviates tension, stress, and trauma stored in the body. When the chakras out of balance, symptoms can manifest as physical, mental, or emotional issues. By gently touching specific points on the body and within the energetic field, TTC signals the brain to address blockages, allowing the self-healing process to release what has been held for years, creating space and tranquility as energy flows freely once again. TTC sessions offer numerous benefits by enhancing the connection between body and mind. They help you with your body, crucial in today's world of rising burnouts and depression. TTC energy facilitates the release of repressed emotions and stress-related pain, allowing you to understand what truly suits you. By letting go of tension, you feel lighter and can live your highest potential, regaining control and empowerment.



Experience the transformative power of the Holy Facial, a magical treatment designed to release tension and stress from your face. This natural facelift not only lifts and shapes your features but also guides you into a deep state of relaxation. Incl facial cupping, and other tools for maximimum impact. All unique massage techniques are combined for maximum effect, helping to reduce wrinkles eliminate natural, no more Botox. Using only cold-pressed oils, this facial activates all meridians and acupressure points, providing a holistic approach to rejuvenation. Treat yourself to the perfect "me time" moment and emerge feeling refreshed and revitalized.


Experience the transformative power of the Holy Facial, a magical treatment designed to release tension and stress from your face. This natural facelift not only lifts and shapes your features but also guides you into a deep state of relaxation. Using unique massage techniques and cold-pressed oils, this holistic approach rejuvenates your skin while activating all meridians and acupressure points. Treat yourself to the extra-long Holy Facial, also known as the Holy Journey, which includes an extended dry head spa and a magical sound bath session to leave you feeling so deeply relaxed, refreshed and revitalized. 


Unlock the secrets of combi tools and experience the transformative HOLYFACIAL training in just 2 days!

Join our small group intensive training session led by me, the founder of this unique facial that goes beyond the ordinary. Incl Facial cupping, all different massage techniques, buccal and so much more.

 Clients rave about it, gift to receive & gift to give.

DM for more information and secure your spot today!






1 : 1 or DUO Session

Kundalini Activation is not just a physical experience; it’s a holistic journey that connects the mind, body, and spirit. This practice can help release blocked energy, promote emotional healing, and enhance your overall well-being. Participants often report heightened awareness, increased creativity, and a deeper connection to their true selves. As you engage in this process, you may also experience spontaneous movements, which are natural expressions of the energy flow. Embrace this opportunity for transformation and self-exploration.

BREATHWORK Sessions, Conscious connected Breathwork (ve 

&  Trauma Release Breathwork TRB

Body Remembers Trauma Therapy  BRTT 

Experience the transformative power of breathwork with all  diverse techniques designed to enhance your well-being.

Join me for regular breathwork sessions lasting total with intake 90 minutes, or delve deeper into healing with our Breathwork Trauma Release (TRB) and Breathwork Trauma Transformation (BRTT) sessions,  approximately 2 hours long.

Discover how intentional breathing can help you release tension, trauma, and stress, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Embrace the journey to inner peace and rejuvenation today!

1 :1 sessions or Groupssession (dm for info)


Experience a beautiful ceremony with pure ceremonial CACAO that invites you to awaken spiritually. This sacred ritual offers a beautiful "me time" moment, allowing you to slow down and go inward, quieting the mind and opening the heart to connect with your true self. No drugs or psychedelics are involved, this high-quality  pure chocolate promotes mindfulness and personal growth, serving as a powerful catalyst for healing when used with intention. Join us on this transformative journey and discover the magic within.

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Golden Triangle

About Me

Passionated & Energetic Woman in her mid 40's & LOTS of Lifeexperience

I am born and raised in Japan (Gotemba) where I learned on a young age Reiki by Japanese Reiki Masters.

It's very natural for me to give. However I got also my dutch Master  in 2005 & 2006. Since then I have learned so much more, learned so much from teachers and so I have created my own unique healing technique over time to bring you back in balance conscious & unconscious.

I have a practice where I  also give Brainbalance coaching, working with 7 pillars to bring you back to the best version of you.

I use the golden triangel formula: Mentally BB Coaching, Physically by Transformational Cupping (this is not normal cupping!!)and Breathwork and energetically & spiritually by Healings, where I use many magical healing technics to bring you fully back in BALANCE!

I am also a mom of 3 amazing kids, 2 big teenagers and one 9 year old. I love animals.

We moved a few years ago from Amsterdam to this amazing beach town Zandvoort.

Loving beach life so much and feeling so blessed & thankful we can share this with our cosy guesthouse for METIMERETREATS  to also again ;-) bring you a great start back in BALANCE by a reset in 3 days/2 nights 1;1 daily session byme !

I host this in Zandvoort only.

I also give small intimate CACAO CEREMONIES in Zandvoort & bigger groups in Amsterdam.


BOTH GROUPSessions on REQUEST at your locations &

SOUNDBATH & BREATHWORK  sessions 1:1 or DUO & groups sessions.

Scroll down for more info

However I still LOVE to be connected with the beautiful city Amsterdam, so that is why I work there as well in my Amsterdam Studio.



I have been working as a Reiki Master since 2006 and have followed many trainings, courses, retreats, studies since then, all regarding personal development,IAM, health, body & brain,healing the body, since the body  keeps the score, holding trauma on cellulair level, Spirituality,  Kwantum Field, 3,4,5 dimensions and so on.

I am a certified Transformational Cupping therapist and help as co trainer in the trainings and love helping all my own clients, getting them painfree, healthier, release trauma & more in balance and more beautiful inside & out.

I am a founder of HOLYFACIALS and give a 2 day training in it, also I still love to give them myself and you can book them too. A HOLYFACIAL is not only a natural FACELIFT, it shapes and gives a glow indeed, but even more important,  it releases all stress and tension wich we keep in our face unconsciously and it opens up blocked meridians and last but not least its the best 60 or 90 minute me time moment to book for your self ;-)

Try it & experience this majical facial treatment.

 Also I work as a certified Brain Balance Coach since 2022 after finishing the 2 year studie in Rotterdam.


I specialise in helping people identify and achieve their personal goals by coping with the issues that are causing them distress, anxiety, and stress.I am a burnout & ADHD/HSP expert. & Trauma release is my specialty.

I take great pride in the progress and success of my clients, and look forward to helping you.



Ik ben geboren en groot gedeelte opgegroeid in Japan (Gotemba) waar ik als jong meisje al REIKI leerde van de  wijze Japanse Reiki Masters. Ik heb in 2005 & 2006 alsnog mn Nederlandse Reiki Master behaald.  Nadat ik in 2005 Netvliesloslating aan beide ogen kreeg met een alle operaties erbij ook zelfde tijd nog een herseninfarct kreeg.

De Reikihealing heeft me enorm geholpen. Door een ervaren Healer ,sjamaan begeleid en zoveel moois van mogen leren. Waar ik overtime mn eigen healing techniek weer heb ontwikkeld om je bewust en onbewust niveau weer terug in balans te brengen.

Nadat ik zelf in 2007 mn eerste burnout had en in 2009 en 2015 ( 32 weken zwanger van mn jongste) een ernstig ongeluk had waar ik oa buikstomp-trauma met interne bloeding organen opliep, en ook zwaar hersenletsel waar ik 3,5 jaar van heb moeten revalideren. Enorm veel heb mogen leren. Daarom ben ik me ook vol gaan verdiepen in het brein en vervolgens daarna ook de 2 jarige Brain Balance Coaching opleiding te volgen, met al deze ervaring en kennis kan ik je helpen om je mooiste leven te leven. Brein is je cockpit en gelukkig is je brein neuroplastisch en kan je alles herprogrammeren.

Ik heb nu een praktijk waar ik oa Brainbalance coaching geef en alles op mentaal, fysiek en energetisch niveau  je weer helemaal in balans te breng.

Ik gebruik de gouden driehoeksformule: Mentaal BB Coaching, Fysiek door Transformational Cupping (dit is geen normale cupping!!) en Ademwerk en energetisch & spiritueel door Healings.  Ik heb de afgelopen 20 jaar mijn eigen unique healing ontwikkeld waarbij  ik gebruik maak van veel verschillende soorten helende technieken om je weer terug te brengen BALANS.

Ik ben oprichter van HOLYFACIALS en geef er 2 daagse trainingen in, training waar je na die 2 dagen de holyfacial zelf kan gaan geven. Uiteraard geef ik ook ik ze nog steeds graag zelf op beide locaties.

Een HOLYFACIAL is niet alleen een natuurlijke FACELIFT, or a natural botox,  het lift en vormt en geeft inderdaad een mooie glow, maar het laat ook alle stress los die we onbewust in ons gezicht vast houden en het opent geblokkeerde meridianen en last but not least is het het beste me-time-moment van 60 minuten (90 min optie ook beschikbaar) om voor jezelf  te boeken;-) Probeer het en ervaar deze fantastische one of a kind gezichtsbehandeling.

Ik ben moeder van 3 geweldige kinderen, 2 grote tieners en een 9-jarige. 

We zijn een paar jaar geleden verhuisd van Amsterdam naar deze geweldige badplaats Zandvoort.

We genieten enorm van het strandleven en voel me zo gezegend en dankbaar dat we dit kunnen delen met onze guesthouse voor prive 1;1 METIMERETREATS met elke dag prive sessies van mij, om weer met een goeie start terug in BALANS te komen in 3 dagen/2 nachten. Een lang weekend met jezelf, meest belangrijke persoon!

Everyone LOVES IT!


Ik geef ook KES/KAP group sessies en 1:1 prive sessies (KUNDALINI ACTIVATIE) duo en soms groepssessies

& ook fijne ontspannen SOUNDSBATH sessies/Klankenschalen ceremonies 1:1, DUO en Groupssessies.

Scroll naar beneden voor meer info hierover


Af en toe organiseer ik een fijne Cacao ceremonie die ik deel op mijn instagram stories @inbalancebyme

Mocht je hiervoor willen aanmelden of vragen hebben, stuur me een dm op insta. Would love to see you in one of the beautiful ceremonies

Scroll naar beneden voor meer info

Ik ben echter nog steeds GRAAG verbonden met de prachtige stad Amsterdam, daarom werk ik daar ook nog in mijn Amsterdam Studio voor 1:1 sessies en geef ik groep sessies op verschillende locaties.



Ik ben sinds 2006 werkzaam als Reiki Master en heb sindsdien vele trainingen, cursussen, retraites, studies gevolgd op het gebied van persoonlijke ontwikkeling, heling, gezondheid, lichaam & brein, spiritualiteit, Kwantumveld enzovoort.

Ik ben ook een gediplomeerd Advanced Transformational Cupping therapeut en werk als co trainer in de trainingen  met ons GOLDEN TEAM en vind het natuurlijk heerlijk om al mijn eigen cliënten te helpen pijnvrij, gezonder, trauma release en meer in balans te brengen en mooier inside & outside te maken.

Ook werk ik sinds 2022 als gecertificeerd Brain Balance Coach na het afronden van de 2-jarige studie in Rotterdam.

Ik ben gespecialiseerd in het helpen van mensen bij het identificeren en bereiken van hun persoonlijke doelen door het hoofd te bieden aan de problemen die hen leed, angst en stress bezorgen. Wij werken met 7 pijlers om je terug in BALANS te brengen.

Ik ben oprecht  trots op de vooruitgang en het succes van mijn klanten en kijk ernaar uit u te helpen.


Book a Service


Brain Balance Coaching  NL & ENG

Get the Most out of Life ☆ Guidance & Inspiration




When you like to work on Programming, to change what does not serve you anymore, I am here to guide you to the best version of your self.  

Intermitting Living





NL:Haal het maximale uit het leven ☆ Begeleiding en inspiratie vol met passie!  LEVENSSTIJL VERANDERING om de beste versie van jezelf te worden.

Door mijn coaching help ik je weer in balans met 7 pijlers: SLAAP, OMGEVING, ONTSPANNING, SOCIAAL, BEWEGING, BRAINFOODS, SUPPLEMENTEN, STRESS.

Werken aan programeringen die niet meer dienend zijn brengt je dichter bij jezelf, true YOU







Let fat, adhesions, waste products, diseases, old pain, ailments, complaints, traumas and cellulite disappear. Fast, efficient and result-oriented.

Transformational Cupping is a combination of cupping, manual therapy, nutrition and detox. Very diverse techniques are combined and we achieve fantastic results.

For example, we combine Eastern and Western medicine and we apply detoxing with food as medicine.

Everything is set in motion; the tool is the cup because we use it to vacuum the skin and loosen adhesions that are underneath (both the superficial and certainly also the deep ones) and the body can flow through again. Space and oxygen-rich blood is created again. Knots loosen, waste and adhesions with fat loosen and everything is circulated and nourished again and all unnecessary ballast can now be remove.

There is almost no technic that works on so many layers as Transformational Cupping.

Please note: this is not regular Cupping!

We are literally and figuratively going to pull layers off you. Emotionally, mentally &  physically.

I work as a BURNOUT & TRAUMA expert and  can help you physical, energetic & mental level to in this proces. 

Also good to know that I am one of the main trainers for TRANSFORMATIONAL CUPPING & a ADVANCED Cupper with lots of experience .


Transformational Cupping is combined with manual therapy, healing and detoxing.

TRANSFORMATIONAL CUPPING®️ helps in many areas: You get rid of neck and back pain, heavy legs (restless legs) and painful knees, you move more easily, you are literally and figuratively better in your skin, traumas and old pains come to the surface, I help you let this go. You will look younger, your organs will work better, everything will start to flow, the lymphatic system can do its job better, you will become clearer in your head, your nervous system will work better and it will open the meridians.

Where the cups are placed and how intensive the treatment is depends on the person and the reason for the treatment.  TRANSFORMATIONAL CUPPING®️ can help include headache, neck, shoulder, back, knee, arm, muscle and joint complaints, if you have sever back pain such as hernia, migraine, frozen shoulder,  but also osteoarthritis, cellulite, fibromyalgia, stress-related complaints and connective tissue complaints or adhesions in all kinds of ways, after breast cancer and tissue has been removed, for example, or after a prosthesis and also including scar treatment (around the scar, at least 6 months old and well healed). Please send me DM if yours is not mentioned bc most things I truly can help you with, even if you have seen every dokter or tried many things before....


Laat vet, verklevingen, afvalstoffen, ziektes, oud zeer,

kwaaltjes, klachten, trauma’s en cellulite verdwijnen.

Snel, efficiënt en resultaatgericht.

Transformational Cupping is een combinatie van cupping, manuele therapie, voeding en detoxen. Hierbij worden zeer diverse technieken gecombineerd en bereiken we fantastische resultaten. Zo combineren we Oosterse- met Westerse geneeswijzen en passen we detoxen met voeding als medicijn toe.

Alles wordt in beweging gebracht; de tool is de cup omdat we hiermee de huid vacuüm trekken en verklevingen die daaronder zitten (zowel de oppervlakkige als zeker ook de diepe) lostrekken en het lichaam weer kan doorstromen. Er ontstaat weer ruimte en zuurstofrijk bloed. Knopen schieten los, afvalstoffen en verklevingen met vet schieten los en alles wordt weer doorbloed en gevoed en alle onnodige ballast kan nu afgevoerd worden. 

Er is bijna geen techniek die op zoveel lagen werkt als Transformational Cupping


Let op: dit is geen reguliere Cupping! We gaan letterlijk en figuurlijk lagen van je aftrekken. Zowel mentaal als fysiek.

Het is een dans die we samen doen, jouw tempo, jouw diepte en jouw frequentie.

Ik werk als Burnout & Trauma Expert en kan je hier zowel fysiek, energetisch als mentaal in begeleiden.
Ook wellicht leuk te weten dat ik een vd vaste trainers ben voor TRANSFORMATIONAL CUPPING en een ADVANCED CUPPER ben.

TRANSFORMATIONAL CUPPING®️ helpt op veel vlakken: Je komt van oa nek en rugpijn, zware benen (restless legs) en pijnlijke knieën af, je beweegt gemakkelijker, zit letterlijk en figuurlijk beter in je vel, trauma’s en oud zeer komt naar boven, we helpen je dit te laten gaan. Je gaat er jonger uit zien, je organen gaan beter werken, alles begint te stromen, het lymfesysteem kan beter zijn werk doen, je wordt helderder in je hoofd, je zenuwstelstel werkt beter en het opent de meridianen.

Waar de cups worden geplaatst en hoe intensief de behandeling is, hangt af van de persoon en de reden van de behandeling.

Klachten waarbij TRANSFORMATIONAL CUPPING®️ kan helpen zijn onder andere hoofdpijn, nek-, schouder-, rug-, knie-, arm-, spier- en gewrichtsklachten, als je door je rug bent gegaan, migraine, frozen schouder,  maar ook bij artrose, cellulitis, fibromyalgie, stress-gerelateerde klachten en bindweefselklachten of verklevingen op allerlei manieren, na bortskanker en weefsel is weggehaald bijvoorbeeld of na een prothese en ook inclusief littekenbehandeling (rondom litteken, minstens 6 maanden oud en goed genezen).


Unique Facial I have developed myself to get the best results inside & out.

Estetically for the LIFT & GLOW but also to stimulate your fascia, get rid of toxins but also tension (we hold unconscious so much tension in our face), make more collagen & elastine by your own system, no more botox needed when you do a 7 time weekly treatment and keep it up every 4-6 weeks. Also possible to get a HOLYFACIAL once In a while, to stimulate the skin & fascia and feel for 60 minutes a deep relaxation on deep level, stimulate the meridians and get all the tension out of your face.

TRY this amazing EXPERIENCE or some call it a magical journey




HEALING BY ME, is a healing that I have developed very organically after I started to give first 20 years ago Reiki healings as a Reiki Master since 2006, in all those years since then I have always been able to follow many trainings, teached by amazing teachers all over the world, workshops, courses and  studies, I have certain valuable things for me implemented to create the most beautiful unique healing session for you to bring you back into BALANCE 


HEALING BY ME, is een healing die ik heel organisch heb ontwikkeld nadat ik ben begonnen als een Reikimaster Reiki healings te geven 20 jaar terug since 2006, in al die jaren sindsdien heb ik altijd vele trainingen gevolgd en ook les gehad van fantastische teachers over de hele wereld, workshops, opleidingen mogen volgen en heb ik bepaalde voor mij waardevolle dingen geïmplementeerd om een zo mooi mogelijk eigen unique healing sessie voor jou te kunnen creëren om je weer terug in BALANS te brengen. 



 (fully equipped, 50 m2 for YOU) TO GET BACK IN BALANCE WITH


Brainbalance Coachingsessie, Healing, HOLYFACIAL, Pranayama Verbondenadem & Breathwork Sessie, of BRTT & TRB , Klankenschalensessie, SOUDNBATH, Session T.T.C. Taling to the Chakra's, Mindfulness Beachwalk together, Hotstone Massage, Kundalini 1;1 activatie, Transformational Cupping and Brainfood Breakfast.



Schedule a Session 

Amsterdam or Zandvoort


Write in DM wich location Amsterdam or Zandvoort and what session you like to book.

 Prices are exclusive of VAT 


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